Saturday, October 27, 2007


trying to understand this myself: there are too many mention of letters and replies, late or otherwise; this one is from Rizwan and Priyanka:

dated 3/9/07, addressed to DCDD, received by his office, CC to Commissioner of Police, AC, ARS, DC Spl, DC South, OC, Karaya PS.


and this is the letter from DC HQ Gyanwant Singh's office, signed 'for' him.

there are two dates in the letter: dated 10/9/07,

signed NOT ON THE SAME DATE... looks like a zero to begin with:

what day is that? 05? the day after Mr. Singh had talked to Priyanka and her parents? perhaps even Rizwanur? and who signed 'for' him?

and this letter is in response to Rizwan's letter dated 30/8/07 regarding 'information regarding marriage registration' -

Right. So we dont have here - or I dont have here the letter that must have been addressed to Mr. Singh on 30/8/07 informing him of the marriage.

In any case, let us examine the present document. it says that Rizwan's letter / case has been
forwarded to the undermentioned officer / department on the ground of jurisdiction for disposal / necessary action.

Further correspondences in that matter, if necessary, should in future be addressed to that officer direct.

At the bottom left, handwritten, 'Copy to S.P (South 24 Pgns)'.

I am not sure if Mr. Siddhinath Gupta is still the SP, but whoever it is, surely has a copy of the letter. and maybe i have missed it in the deluge of information that we are receiving these days, the SP's reactions - if any, must have been recorded as well.

The computer graphics teacher who lived at Tiljala had written to the civil rights organisation: “We submitted letter of information of our marriage at the office of the commissioner of police, DC south div- ision, OC-Karaya police station, OC-Entally police station, OC-Bidhannagar police station and SP North 24-Parganas. The stamped received copies of all these letters are attached.”

All the officers, including the police chief, sent their acknowledgements by August 31. Deputy commissioner (headquarters) Gyanwant Singh admitted receiving the letter “regarding information about your marriage registration” in a missive dated September 5.

The couple had enclosed copies of their marriage registration and birth certificates in their letter. “This is for your information that we got married under the special marriage act at the office of the marriage officer Shipra Ghosh on 18 August, 2007. The copy of our marriage certificate is being enclosed…. The marriage was performed with our own wish and not under the influence of any external pressure.”

Apprehending trouble, they wrote: “We are presuming that our father-in-law/father, Ashok Kumar Todi, may threaten us with dire consequences or create pressure or can send anti-socials or goondas to kidnap us. In view of this, we hope to get protection from your end, if required.”

Priyanka prefixed “Mrs” to her signature on the letter.

(from The Telegraph, Calcutta, September 23)

That letter obviously, This is not. Prinaka has NOT 'prefixed “Mrs” to her signature on the letter'.

I am inviting comments, clarifications especially on this issue: the letters, where are they, what do they say, am i missing something? a lot? please contribute.

Other than that, the point here is, and I am glad others have noticed too, people who i have never seen in my life - that the media is more interested in crucifying Gyanwant than finding out the truth. Now dont point fingers at me, dont call me obsessed. i am only referring to what the media has been doing. no other replies to Rizwanur's letter is being talked about. Ajay Kumar's reply is not being talked about. even the letter that brought this reply from Gyanwant's office is not being discussed or published. Please look at the following comment:
Two days ago we were discussing the next pit stop in the sad circus called Rizwanur " Parda phaash"...( Star Anando title not mine)... and yday this same channel was busy dissecting priyankas change of statement from her letter of 3rd sept to DCDD1 - Ajoy Kumar.. informing them that if any thing happened to them her father ashok todi shud beheld responsible...star anando also seems to have a thing abt gyanwant singh... when from bytes its pretty clear that wellwishers of the Rehman family tok the couple to see gyanwant, who by all acountstreated them well, star anando is hell bent on making him the villian of the piece by calling him the mastermind...just sad

if anyone wishes to verify if this comment was created for my benefit by me, please leave a comment and your e-mail id, and i shall be happy to send you proof that this is by a real person, 51 years old, an employee of ICF International... i asked for his permission to publish his comment along with his orkut page id, and this is what he scrapped back:
i started this out in order to see that honest police officers dont become the fall gus, for as u said gyanwant is a human being first and foremost and a police officer next... im more than happy and willing to join you in whatever you plan wherever you plan to redeem agood mans name. so plzgo ahead and more power to your arm as they say..best of luck

there are others too, and hardly any need to drag them in here, because we are not holding a poll. i am trying to show you something, and if you are willing to notice, you will notice. if not, then no amount of testimony, real or otherwise, can convince you.

as a sort of subscript directed towards a fellow blogger who found certain comments i had quoted disturbing, here's something to chew on:

His last film before being brutally murdered in mysterious circumstances – a crime which remains unsolved to this day - was based on de Sade’s “Salo” and he portrays the brutality and masochism of the upper classes and the aristocracy.

Pier Paolo Pasolini: POET, WRITER, THINKER, date of access October 27, 2007,<URL=http://www.1worldfilms.com/bio-passolini.htm>

This is on Pasolini. i did not want to explain Sadique's comment in my own words. but looks like he was getting at something significant, doesnt it?

Pasolini/Salo image courtesy: <URL=http://www.bfi.org.uk/features/salo/clubcut.html>, <URL=http://www.bfi.org.uk/features/salo/foreword.html> accessed on Oct 27, 2007.


Pranaadhika Sinha Devburman - Bat said...

Interesting blog, informative and thought-inducing. Keep up the investigative angle and i'll focus on the activism angle. Cheers

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.